Sad Love

my dear Love,
beautyful and unreachable
as ever
do you know me by name,
do you still remember me,
or did you never love me?
maybe I will never know

When will I see you again,
today, tomorrow, next week?
or is there already somebody else
in your heart
my true love?

I never heared a reply from you,
so I'm even more
missing you
more than everything else,
like my own life

and this life
is just running off
faster and faster
without me
without you

and somewhere
in this mad world
a sad fool stumbles into his doom
not far from you
he is still missing you

will I ever meet you again
before I'm dead ?
but probably not
that's the only thing
I will be
without you

my grave is terribly cold,
cold without you
I am alone here
and missing you
more than my own life
that was just pale
without you

dead I'm now,
what went wrong
in my pitiful live

now you will never know
how I felt for you
cause I'm dead

Now and for ever.

D. · Geschrieben Anfang April 1997

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